Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Child Sexual Abuse and the insensitive 'US'.

Another young child abused. Another day passed. Why have we become so insensitive? Is this all we can do? Sit and cry and curse our fate if this happens to our children? Waiting for disasters to happen?
Ok. We are meek and weak beings living in misery. But why does it not bother Government that innocent children’s lives are being crushed? Give some compensation and dust your hands off? Yeah. Its that simple. Not because kids are not voters but simply because we as parents don’t care.
We the educated, sensible and intelligent young generation of India earning in Lakhs everymonth don’t care what kind of people we choose, or choose not to choose to take care of our lives, our children’s lives. It’s not just enough if you care about what Mutual funds you have invested in for your child’s future. It’s not enough if you simply put him/her in a “Good School”. What kind of ingtellectual environment your child is growing is as important. Is she/he physically and emotionally safe? Are we bothered about that?
Have you learned about these key facts that Child Sexual abuse is most common and perpetrators are often family members? That the victim can be a boy or a girl? Have you kept those lines of communication between you and your child alive?
Today the meaning of investment in your child’s future has acquired a very narrow meaning. All that comes to mind is buildings and bank balances. What about intellectual investment? Are they safe there? Is it not our responsibility to build a safe world for them as well? Afterall they are not going to live alone in the world.
Am pained. Pained by the world we are leaving behind for those innocent lovely souls the responsibility of bringing whom, is solely on us. Can we not be more human? The race for materialistic pleasures has somewhere taken out a very important aspect of our species, being HUMAN.