Monday, November 18, 2013

Being thankful, living simple

              Who wouldn't wish to be on this road right now!!! Such a beauty..... can't but thank the confluence of mysterious and amazing existence of unending possibilities blessed upon us by this Universe.
              So what is it that seriously confronts us on our way to experience this bliss! How many times do we think of thanking God for gifting us this Nature! Whats stopping us? Our greed. Endless Greed! We just need MORE! More of everything. And by simply being selfish, we are being inhuman, in not thinking, what kind of a planet are we leaving behind for our children? Is it justified?
              And here am not even talking about the uneducated majority of this world. What are we doing being educated? Is it enough? On one side, there are still places and people on this planet, waiting for basic medical facilities. On another, mankind is facing the grave risk of not being able to make use of the medicines available, simply because the bacteria have become resistant to every possible anti-biotic.
              Where are we heading. Why can't we be happy being thankful and living simple. Technology and  comfort, while parallel in growth, are creating a major divide by irrational application by humans. Let us not let the highly selfish, irrational, supposedly mighty Leaders rule us. Each of us has the capability to redesign our future, provided we have the Will. Lets work in tandem and preserve what ever is left of this ONE - IN - A- UNIVERSE, " EARTH ".

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Do we care about who sits in our Temples of Democracy?

                                            Seriously!!!   It doesn't seem so for at least 40 % of the electorate who didn't even step out t-o vote in the 2009 General elections. What might be the reasons for not voting? and those who are voting, are they taking the pain to educate them selves about whom they are voting? Why this apathy? 
                                            Its just 66 years that India got its Independence, but it looks like we are being looted by corrupt politicians from centuries....... So much so that we are looking at yet another fight for Freedom, this time from our own greedy, egoistic, self-centered politicians.
                                            Hardly do today's generation know about the Indian Freedom struggle and the sacrifices made by countless people for over a hundred years for us to enjoy this freedom in our lives. How come the zeal and intensity of just a generation prior to us didn't trickle down. Why this complacency? Hopefully this time, it wouldn't take a hundred years.
                                             Enough of sitting back. Enough of blame games. We don't have the right to lament, while we let criminals rule us. Remember how they fight, throwing their Chappal, breaking the mikes, climbing the tables of the Speakers of the House, tearing each others shirts!!! and all this for what? Is it really for us? 
                                             Its time to get up and stir forward and say ENOUGH. We want to take care of ourselves. We will get in to our sacred temples of Democracy, to clean them up. And mind you these Temples don't belong to any one religion. They are the The temples of Democracy, of Humanity.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Please spare children.... REJECT FREEBIES

 Its Heart breaking when we read through those details of how the children of a government school in Chapra in Bihar were forced to eat what was given to them in mid day meal, though it was tasting foul.

After all these are children,Vulnerable, can't resist and of all.... poor.

When u receive something at free of cost, neither the receiver might not value it completely, nor the giver( this case govt and politicians and the illegal beneficiaries like middlemen) give respect to the receiver.

If something was given freely to the poor in India by the govt,  its not because of their compassion, but to gain populism. The poor better understand this. But may be they are help less too, due to inflation. It might sound tough,but these things are quite so obvious that one doesn't need to be educated to see through the truth. We should REJECT their freebies, like during the freedom struggle our nation rejected foreign goods, famously called as Swadeshi movement.

Instead give food for work. Scarp this food security bill....... the Revolution started by a few brave hearts should be taken across nation, by US. We can't blame media for not doing their job, after all, they are owned and run by business tycoons, who have their own interests.

Friday, June 14, 2013

How can mindset be affected at a larger scale

                        While thinking of problems that bog us down day in and out, Why don't we look at solutions.
Because solutions involve US. ME. YOU. We are afraid to take that one step, which will consequently inspire us to take 10 more steps.

                         I used to think, change should happen and we should address the root cause of all these problems. Initially I used to think that all the problems we are facing are due to our huge population. Now I realize, that India is in such a place geographically, that it is how our population is going to be. Across the globe we can notice that population is more in countries nearer to equator. I also came to know that we can use it to our advantage, all this while regulating our population through all possible steps.

                         Then I strongly believed that the politics in this country is the root cause of our problems. How can we bring good people in to politics.Can we control who is being given tickets by parties? Can we start new clean party and survive and sustain. Can we change the mindsets of these politicians? All of them looked gloomy to me. Huge tasks, require individual sacrifice, guts, intelligence and persistence to do it. Surely Arvind Kejriwal and his team needs to be appreciated on this. Now that they started, we Indians are still lukewarm in our support to AAP. How many are taking it seriously and how many still are supporting it, morally or financially.
                        Then I concluded that its education that needs to be addressed, the way its imparted, the extent and reach of it. While this is an effective solution looking forward, What is an immediate solution, which shouldn't take longer. I realized that the ATTITUDE of ALL OF US is what is need to be addressed. How can we do it on a large scale.
1. Getting wide spread advertising to all the good and inspiring deeds, of people across India.
2. Getting  people to realize Gandhian values to lead contented and simple lives, thats basically change in attitude.
3. Inspiring and awakening children to their democratic rights and duties.
4. getting as many motivated teachers as possible.
                 How do we do this? How to achieve this? 

                    Any more suggestions and comments are welcome.