Tuesday, March 17, 2015

POLITICS is NOT POWER but RESPONSIBILITY. Let us not let another D.K. Ravi die.

D.K.Ravi, well known as an upright and honest official is dead. It's not only the death of an officer with an impeccable record of honesty whilst fighting against all odds, but death of our ability of being human.Why? Because, basic human instinct of FEAR is being played upon with brutal acts.

Its time to show the rogue elements in Polity and Public life, the place where they belong.
It's time we take a stand for humanity and future of our children.
It's time to no more ignore our conscience and follow our hearts.
It's time to ACT.  Reclaim what you deserve in this country. We are in a Democracy and often we forget this. Let's redefine the word POLITICS. Politics is NOT POWER but it is RESPONSIBILITY.

The movement should continue. Let's not rest until we show people what being a Public Servant means. That we are giving Politicians power NOT to RULE us but to GOVERN us, by taking us along. We deserve a better country, where we can live with out fear.

This is a chance for all of us to choose Clean, Citizen centered, Problem solving, Ethical politics.  Let's unite for the larger cause. Let not another Ravi die. Let's not let another Manjunath die. The answer to Bad politics is not No politics but Good politics.

Let this fury and pain turn in to constructive solution based actions.


#DKRavi, #clean politics

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Am dreaming BIG. Astronomy and Music to make the world Human.

When you compare the size of Earth to the size of Sun its like a mustard seed to a big Orange. When we compare the size of Sun to the size of the biggest star discovered till now, its almost a dot. Now Solar System is a small dot in Milky way Galaxy. Milky way has billions of stars. There are millions of Galaxies in the OBSERVABLE Universe. It's difficult to imagine this. Can you imagine what would lie beyond the observable Universe? How small is a human being when compared to the size of Earth, Sun, Milky way and so on? Thinking beyond Earth will truly bring out the humanity in us.

But we humans think just the opposite. we think we are the only ones in this Universe. We fight for human made Religion, Caste. As if our religion defines us. Does religion feed us? How does the colour of my skin, or the dress I wear or the food I eat define the humanity in me? In my view there can be only two religions in this world. Human and Inhuman.

Compare the cheer a bright sunshine on a glistening - still wet from the nights' mist- leaf brings to that of a burnt patch of greenary which has been burnt from a dropped bomb. (not to mention of the innocent lives it takes). Why should we deny human kind/our future generations the breath taking beauties of this wonderful World.

We r nothing when compared to this Universe. We didn't create anything on Earth. Why then destroy it? Is it really that difficult to stop? Can't we control our Greediness? Can we act less Selfish as a Nation? Can we think of WE -OURS and forget the words MY - ME?

If humility can be registered in every human being possible by divulging the wonders of the World, by taking science of nature and creation which is in no way related to any Religion or Race in this World, won't it be a more Peaceful World?

Music and the wonders it can do. It heals, energizes, can make people Human and Unite. Can any one dispute that?Why not encourage it as one of the main subjects in school?

Why don't we make Tolerance one of the main subjects in schooling. Why don't we really start "Educating" the children, Education in its true sense. If as Nations we can start taking these small but impactful steps, we can start holding the legacy of Earth as it is, and let the natural evolution continue...keeping in tact the beauty and mysteries. Let no one play with it. Let only Natural Calamities, beyond the control of humans deface earth. Nothing else. No one else.

I believe its possible. I am dreaming big and believe in my Dream. Do You ?


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Interview of the Rapist

Am happy this interview happened and it came to light. Due process of Law. We all want to follow. But it raises some serious questions and rightly so, not that they haven't been expressed before.

If a case like Nirbhaya's is taking 3 years and more, whats the fate of rest of the cases. Its easy to imagine.

For victims to come out and register a case is so difficult. Social stigma, fear of retaliation by the attacker, dissuading police make it almost impossible.

Once registered, the so called fast tracking,  granted to us by law makers after so many consultations,  revelations, brain storming for years, drags on for ever.

Finally judgement delivered. Its death. Nothing less. But he appeals, the court again takes years to hear the appeal and then to take a decision on it. Let's think, the court rejected the appeal.

The accused then appeals to the President of India. He/ She again take their own time. Now, for all we know, he might be pardoned for what ever reason or death turned to life term.

Can any one see justice here. One might even forget what happened and to whom? Is this kind of justice deterring perpetrators? The answer is the Interview in question. Instead of looking at why this is happening, our neta log are busy singling out who gave permission and take action on them. Shame on them.

Who is to blame? The Judges? The Judicial System? The Political System? Or We The People? While its easy to blame the other and which is what we have been doing till now, the answer is WRITTEN ON THE WALL IN BOLD.

Why does the Govt ban the interview to be telecast. Coz its afraid of the rage it would create among the public. Coz its afraid that the number of people asking questions will rise. 

Enough of sitting on the sidelines and expecting others to do what you want.
Enough of blaming it on fate.
Step On. Your Life Your Responsibility.
Do what ever is needed. Whether its participating in a protest, asking for answers from authorities, asserting your rights, disbursing your duties, supporting good politics and become a part of the process.
Be The Change You Want To See.