Really? or is it not our priority.(Giving time to our society).
Well, what do we have time for? Work, more work. Yes, we all have endless loads of work. Why are we enduring this pain of working extra hours, having to struggle, literally to give time to anything else in life?
Of course its for our families. And to do this work, we also endure the painful traffic snarls, burning lots of fuel( and our pocket) all along. Very fine. We need to do what ever is needed, to keep our families happy and going.
But surprisingly,while we spend hours, inside the car, in a traffic jam, cursing the system every day of our life, we DON'T have time to spend an hour from 168 hours in a week, to change the status quo.
So much so, that we don't even take time out to register ourselves as voters, at least to vote for a good candidate, who can work for us for 5 years. Can't we do atleast this much?
If this is not the case, then its not our priority. Now why we should take the pain of volunteering for any social cause. Some one will take care of it. Let me first take care of my family. Yes, but what if our family itself is in danger. Won't we act? Of course we will. And that's what we should be doing now, because our families are in danger.
Our children, for whom we live, are in deep trouble. Starting from the road side criminal elements(look at the ruthless assaults), to the poisonous chemical laced food( due to faulty policy making)locally and currently, to the global issues like not even having clean water to drink and cleaner air to breathe in future. If we think that our responsibility ends with putting them in good schools, then we are doing some monumental mistake. We should also give them a safe environment, a healthy one. That is also our responsibility. Lets volunteer some time, to at least make our locality a safer place for our kids.
Participate in governance, help those who are trying. Make your move, Be the Change you are seeking.
I know.... not one but many things are. Am seriously afraid of walking a lonely street now a days, specially when there is a group of men present around or walking past me. Am afraid to send my 2 daughters to their grandparents home by themselves, which is just a hundred meters away. Am getting paranoid listening to all the assaults happening on women and kids, every day.
Can we dare look at the root cause?
1. Do we have enough police force? Why are the much needed police reforms not put in to place, after the Supreme Courts directive to the States to do so? Whats stopping our politicians to get in to act. Because these politicians are here not to take care of us, the public, but to take care of themselves. If people with conviction don't join politics now, at the risk of losing their warm and comfortable lives, then lets be ready for the doom.
2. At a deeper level, isn't how our society functions, one of the main reasons for this muck we got in to today? Though there is a significant improvement in the way women are treated in educated urban class, there is still no respect for women in the lower rung of society, where the alcoholic husbands come and beat their well earning wives black and blue every day. What example do these fathers present their sons?
While the easy availability of liquor at every street corner is one reason, the lack of proper education in schools is another.
Why are there more liquor shops than schools? Because the people who gave them permissions to set up such shops are more interested in making money for themselves. They conveniently ignore the outcomes of their one sided actions.
Isn't it time, to make education, more related to life, than just mugging up of some factual information, which they might never come across in life. This aspect has to be injected in to the current model. But who has the will? Surprisingly, the current lot of politicians are more interested in educating themselves, about farming, by looking through their windows while traveling in bullet trains speeding at 300kmph, as a part of their State sponsored foreign tour. Can it get more hilarious?
How ironic that we are being forced to fight for our basic rights, in the worlds' largest democracy.
I want safety, a poor man wants work. Dear so called leaders, this is what we want. Not some fancy food security bill.